卡森-纽曼的陆军后备军官训练队为学生提供了在美国担任全职或兼职军官的机会.S. Army upon graduation. Through a wide range of classes and labs, 每个学生都准备好完成暑期培训,并继续在美国或美国服役.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserves, or Army National Guard as a 2nd Lieutenant.

Army ROTC 是国内要求最高、最成功的领导力课程之一吗. For years, 陆军后备军官训练队一直在培养领袖,让他们继续在军事和民用领域从事有价值的职业. 

全球赌博十大网站有丰富的传统,为学生在美国成功的职业生涯做好准备.S. Army. 从当创伤护士到驾驶UH-60黑鹰直升机, 作为一名士兵,有各种各样的职业选择.


  • 高级领导、管理和沟通培训
  • Problem-solving and strategic skills development
  • 100% Tuition coverage
  • Team development, comraderie, and competition
  • Monthly living allowances
  • Graduate with a guaranteed career as an Army officer
  • 服役于现役或陆军预备役或陆军国民警卫队

Once you complete your junior year of high school, 你可以通过申请后备军官训练队国家奖学金来开始你的未来 , a four-year scholarship, at Carson-Newman University. Applications open at the start of each summer. 要查看所有重要的申请日期并了解更多信息,请访问 Army ROTC Scholarships. 要立即开始您的奖学金申请,请创建一个帐户 My GoArmy as the first step.

You can read all about C-N’s Military Science courses here.

Apply to Carson-Newman 今天就联系鹰营干部,了解如何为国家服务!

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Advanced Training PROGRAMS

美国陆军空降学校位于美国陆军步兵中心. Benning Georgia. 这门课程的目的是训练士兵成为伞兵. It develops the student’s confidence through repetitious training so that the student can overcome the natural fear of jumping from an airplane; develop and maintain the high level of physical fitness required of a paratrooper, by rigorous and progressive physical training. 每个学生必须在飞行中完成5次从飞机上跳下.

Air Assault school is at FT. Campbell, Kentucky.本课程由第101空降师(空中突击)讲授。. It is an intense, 为期10天的课程旨在让领导人对陆军直升机任务有一个基本的了解. 有一些课堂教学,但主要是实践和表现导向. It is broken down into four phases: Pathfinder operations, slingload operations, rappelling phase, foot march phase.

基本营地是在肯塔基州诺克斯堡举行的为期一个月的营地. 这个训练营的目的是让学生获得前两年的学分,并使他们能够参加高级ROTC课程. Basic Camp pays approximately $750, and all meals, housing, transportation and uniforms are paid for by the government. Major Areas Covered include Armed Forces Organization, Introduction to Army Customs and Procedures, Branch Orientation, Military Formations, Physical Training, Map Reading and Land Navigation Techniques, Compass Skills, Rifle Marksmanship, and Weapons Familiarization. Attendees incur no obligation to join ROTC upon completion.

NSTP是为陆军后备军官训练队护士学员提供的为期三到四周的有偿临床选修课. Attendance is voluntary. 我们的附属护理学校为这个项目颁发学分. 这一选修课在美国、德国和韩国的陆军医院进行. 在参加NSTP和进阶营的同一个夏天,你会得到报酬, 通常是在大学三年级和四年级之间. During the NSTP clinical elective, 你将在导师的直接监督下获得“实践”经验,导师是一名陆军护士团的军官,他会一对一地和你一起工作. Regular coaching sessions enhances your progress, while also providing feedback about your performance.

Mountain Warfare school is at Ethan Allen Firing Range, in Jericho Vermont, by the Vermont National Guard. 本课程旨在教导/使学员熟悉山地作战. It will challenge you both physically and mentally. Training is nonstop, 16 hours per day for 14 days. 它通过强迫你背着45-65磅重的背包在山区每天走2-5英里来测试你的体力,并通过测试你的昼夜陆地导航能力来测试你的精神.

《全球赌博十大网站》在阿拉斯加格里利堡的北方战争训练中心教授.本课程旨在使选定的学员熟悉夏季在山区和寒冷地区行动所需的技能. 重点放在基本的军事登山技能和内陆水道的恢复操作.

CTLT在德国、韩国等全国多个陆军基地进行. 这包括一个3-5周的任务,在一个现役陆军单位. 每个学员被任命为初级军官,排长或副排长. 他们被赋予领导经验和现役部队日常职能的实际知识.

Advance Camp is an intensive 5 week training experience, held during the summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is intentionally tough and introduces stress. 白天很长,有大量的夜间训练,没有休息日——简而言之,这是一个艰苦的营地. 在为期五周的训练中,学员们会遇到身体和精神上的障碍,这对他们来说是一个挑战, soldier, and leader. 学员通过艰苦的训练获得自信. 组队比赛从个人表现中培养集体凝聚力.

Leigh C. Kennedy, LTC

Professor of Military Science

Robert Bates

ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer

706 Ken Sparks Way Baker Building Rm 112
Jefferson City, TN 37760
United States

Pat Bivens

Director of Military and Veterans Services

James Sharp, MSG

Senior Military Instructor, MSG

Michael Hotchkiss, CPT

Assistant Professor of Military Science, CPT

Nicholas Brock, CPT

Assistant Professor of Military Science

Ciji Dunn

ROTC Human Resources Assistant

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